Providence Grays love

Providence Grays


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  • The first time it happened was 1884 when Guy Hecker of the Louisville Eclipse captured the American Association triple crown and Old Hoss Radbourn of the Providence Grays led the way in the National League.

    NYT > Home Page By BENJAMIN HOFFMAN 2011

  • The first time it happened was 1884 when Guy Hecker of the Louisville Eclipse captured the American Association triple crown and Old Hoss Radbourn of the Providence Grays led the way in the National League.

    NYT > Home Page By BENJAMIN HOFFMAN 2011

  • Those 1884-85 Providence Grays posted a .231 team batting average over the course of those two seasons, which made them far more likely to be no-hit than the Rays, who have hit .259 over the 2009 and 2010 seasons. 2010

  • Considered one of the best players - and weirdest characters - in the game, Radbourn set a record in 1884 that will never, ever be reached: Pitching for the small-market Providence Grays, he won 59 games and lost 12, pitching 73 complete games. 2010

  • "Old Hoss" Radbourn, left, star pitcher for the Providence Grays Top Stories 2010

  • Considered one of the best players - and weirdest characters - in the game, Radbourn set a record in 1884 that will never, ever be reached: Pitching for the small-market Providence Grays, he won 59 games and lost 12, pitching 73 complete games. 2010

  • Considered one of the best players - and weirdest characters - in the game, Radbourn set a record in 1884 that will never, ever be reached: Pitching for the small-market Providence Grays, he won 59 games and lost 12, pitching 73 complete games. 2010

  • Considered one of the best players - and weirdest characters - in the game, Radbourn set a record in 1884 that will never, ever be reached: Pitching for the small-market Providence Grays, he won 59 games and lost 12, pitching 73 complete games. 2010

  • Considered one of the best players - and weirdest characters - in the game, Radbourn set a record in 1884 that will never, ever be reached: Pitching for the small-market Providence Grays, he won 59 games and lost 12, pitching 73 complete games. 2010

  • Considered one of the best players - and weirdest characters - in the game, Radbourn set a record in 1884 that will never, ever be reached: Pitching for the small-market Providence Grays, he won 59 games and lost 12, pitching 73 complete games. 2010


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